Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Cost Of Marginal Employees

When it comes to discussions about enhancing profits, most managers and owners seem to focus on trimming expenses, increasing sales and bumping up prices. For some strange reason they seem to ignore or minimize the impact that marginal employees have on their bottom lines. Marginal employees cost many companies thousands of dollars every day in ways that are not always obvious. Marginal employees can make more mistakes, they can alienate customers, they can alienate fellow employees, they can be inefficient in their work, they can produce less and they generally don't offer the same level of overall contribution to the business. But many, many businesses continue to hire and retain marginal employees. The hiring processes are poorly defined and/or careless and managers are not well equipped to manage. The cost of marginal employees is tremendous. It is an area that should receive first priority in any business. How many marginal employees who will probably not improve performance enough through training or coaching does your organization employ?Tuesday

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